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news 2021

Living a Better Balanced Life at 90 Years Old

At 90 years old, Bart wanted a stronger, balanced body. Thanks to his work with the Balance and Mobility Clinic, it’s mission accomplished.

When he noticed that his body was “turning off,” the former psychologist decided to put his research skills to work. A quick search for balance services brought him in to the clinic.

“I brought a list of what I wanted to accomplish, and I wanted my body to be hard and solid,” he said. “My assumption was that if I’m stronger, I’d be able to control my balance a bit more.”

Balance and Mobility Patient Bart

Before finding the Balance and Mobility Clinic, Bart experienced ear issues that made him wobbly and slower in walking. He worried that he’d start falling frequently and had started to lose his posture while he checked his balance.

Bart started working with PT Assistant Amy Powell-Versteeg, AAS, to develop an exercise routine that he could complete at his home gym. Their work together helped him lose 20 pounds, strengthen his ankles and better understand how his muscles function.

“I have this remarkable sense of wellbeing now,” he said. “Amy did that and I’m really appreciative of it.”

Despite having his choice of clinics in town, Bart prefers the Balance and Mobility Clinic for its more intimate setting. He likes the smaller size and the friendly practitioners, who are always willing to share a hug and chat about his day.

“If a person comes and looks at me straight in the eye and says, ‘let’s get you fixed up,’ I’m in seventh heaven,” he said.

Balance is a big deal for quality of life. Bart wants to be able to continue to enjoy time with his wife, who has her own health issues. That includes the simple things, like helping her put on her socks in the morning.

“It’s added beauty to my latter years, and given me confidence that I’m not going to be finding myself vegetating in some lonely room,” he said. “That’s a big deal.”



Being able to control your balance, muscle movements, and bladder can have a large impact on your quality of life, especially as you age. The Balance & Mobility Clinic provides services to help you stay balanced, recover from a concussion, and prevent urinary incontinence.

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