College of Health College Council
The University of Utah College of Health College Council (hereafter referred to as College Council) is established as a part of University governance. Its function is to serve as the legislative body for the College in accordance with University Regulations. The College Council may instruct its respective committees regarding academic policy and may approve, revise, or reject the recommendations of its committees. All powers residing in the College Council that have been delegated to its committees may be retrieved by the College Council at any time with a majority vote. The College Council Charter shall be consistent with all University of Utah policies as contained in University Regulations (available at
The College Council “may recommend to the Academic Senate, through the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, new policies or policy modifications in relationship to any aspect of the University’s operation.” “All actions taken by the College Council shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate and shall be subject to the power of the Senate to establish uniform policies and take final action on all matters of University concern” (Policy 6-003).
- The Dean shall nominate a Chair for the College Council as described above. A temporary chair will be appointed by the current Chair in the event of an absence.
Recording Secretary
- A recording secretary shall be elected annually from among the College Council members.
- A parliamentarian shall be elected annually by the College Council members from among the College Council members.
- Elected members of the College Council shall be Tenure-line or full-time (.75 FTE or greater) Career-line faculty and College Staff. As defined in University Policy 6-300 , Tenure-line includes tenured and tenure-line faculty, and Career-line includes Clinical, Lecturer, and Research faculty. As required by Policy 6-300, a majority of the voting members of the College Council shall be Tenure-line faculty. If results of any round of ordinary elections would lead to non-compliance with that majority requirement, the current chair of the College Council and the Dean shall by random lot select a sufficient number of departments which shall then conduct revised elections producing a number of Tenure-line members sufficient to restore the required majority.
- Faculty: Each department shall elect one faculty member to the College Council. Each elected member of the College Council shall serve for a period of three years. Department faculty members holding administrative appointments (i.e. department chairs, associate deans) are eligible to be elected by their respective department faculty to serve as voting faculty representatives.
- Dean: The Dean or designee of the College of Health shall serve on the College Council as a non-voting, ex-officio member.
- Staff: A full-time member of the College of Health staff shall be nominated and elected by the staff of the College to serve a three-year term as a voting member. Election of the staff representative will be coordinated by the Dean’s Office.
- Student Representation: One full-time graduate and one full-time undergraduate major student within the College shall be elected during the College Council’s last meeting of the academic year, from a pool of students nominated by Department Chairs, for a one-year term, with each having full voting rights.
- Chair: The College Council Chair shall be nominated by the Dean. The appointment shall be confirmed by a majority of the College Council members. If a majority of College Council members do not confirm the original nomination, the Dean will be asked to nominate another Chair. Eligible appointees to become Chair are tenure-line or full-time (0.75 FTE) career-line faculty members with prior College Council experience. The College Council Chair shall serve a three-year term with eligibility for re-appointment for an additional three years, for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
- College Council members are nominated and elected by departments during the Spring Semester preceding the appropriate term. Each term begins the first day of the following Fall Semester. Whenever possible, membership shall be arranged so that the term of office expires for 30-50% of the committee members each year.
Regular and Special Meetings
- The College Council shall meet as deemed necessary during the academic year. In the event that a member cannot be present, they will designate an alternate from their area of representation.
- Meetings will be considered open to all interested faculty. Notice regarding regularly scheduled meetings must be provided to the College of Health Tenure-line and Career-line faculty and staff at least one week prior to the meeting. Non-members may address the College Council when invited to speak by an elected College Council member and recognized by the Chair.
- A simple majority of the College Council, or the Chair, may call a special College-wide faculty meeting. Notice regarding a special meeting must be provided to each Tenure-line and Career-line faculty member at least three working days prior to the date of the meeting.
Robert’s Revised Rules of Order
- Robert’s Revised Rules of Order shall be the authority for parliamentary procedure.
Minutes and Records of the College Council
- The recording secretary shall take minutes of all College Council meetings, distribute such minutes to all College Council members and keep records. The College Council Chair will notify all College faculty members of meetings, notify appropriate committees and individuals of actions taken by the College Council and distribute the agenda for each College Council meeting.
- Agenda items may be submitted by any College Council member or chair of a standing committee or special committee. Agenda items shall be submitted to the Chair seven (7) working days prior to the scheduled meeting and distributed five (5) working days prior to the meeting.
- The agenda shall be developed by and be the responsibility of the Chair of the College Council.
- The Chair of the College Council shall be non-voting with the exception of casting the deciding vote in the event of a tie. Motions or resolutions requiring a vote may only be presented by elected College Council members, the College Council Chair, or Chairs of standing or special committees duly constituted by the College Council or College Council Chair. Upon request, any member of the College Council may secure a ballot vote. One-half of the voting members shall constitute a quorum. A simple majority of those voting is required to carry a motion. Officially designated alternates shall have full College Council privileges during the session they attend.
- Membership on standing committees of the College Council shall be appointed by the Chair of each Department. The Chair of each committee shall be elected by the respective committee members, unless otherwise noted.
- Special committees may be created as deemed necessary by the Chair or by the College Council.
- When formed by the Chair, the special committee shall be designated a task force; when formed by the College Council, the special committee shall be designated an ad hoc committee.
- Standing committees and special committees shall, in general, be (a) advisory; and (b) fact finding. The Committees shall provide an oral report to the faculty and Dean at the end of the year College meeting and shall make recommendations to the College Council. Committees required by University Regulations will adhere to University policy in formation, charge, and reporting procedures.
- Except for the College Advisory Committee on Retention, Promotion and Tenure, Tenure-line and full-time Career-line faculty (as defined in Article III, Section A) are eligible for full membership on committees, consistent with the requirements of University Policy 6-300. Student representatives are eligible for membership on committees as specified by University and College policy.
- The ex-officio member of each committee is responsible for confirming committee membership for the upcoming academic year, and will provide a final list of the committee members to the College Council Chair by the end of the Spring semester of the current academic year. Membership changes that occur throughout the year must be updated accordingly with the College Council.
March 7, 2025
- Review the minutes of the previous COHCC meeting on February 7, 2024.
- Review the changes made by the Community Engagement and Outreach Committee.
- Charter language change (Janet).
- Keep working on the CAV document.
February 7, 2025
- Review and approve the minutes of the COHCC meeting on December 6, 2024, meeting.
- Update on the RPT statement (Janet Shaw).
- Review the edits made to the Community Engagement, Outreach Committee.
- Vote on the charter.
December 6, 2024
- Review and approve the minutes of the COHCC meeting on November 1, 2024.
- Review and approve the new Community Engagement, Outreach Committee, and the Ad Hoc Professor’s Committee (serving as the TFR Committee) and update the charter.
- COH Teaching Quality Policy update (Janet Shaw).
November 1, 2024
- Review the minutes of the COHCC meeting on October 4th, 2024.
- Julie Lucero will discuss the idea of the new committee replacing the COHCC EDI committee in the charter.
- Discuss the Ad Hoc Professor Committee serving as the TFR Committee (Janet).
- Go over the proposed changes in the RPT template concerning the timing of events (Janet).
October 4th, 2024
- Review and approve the minutes of the COHCC meeting on September 6th, 2024.
- Incorporate the changes to the RPT document.
September 6, 2024
- Introductions.
- Elect a recording secretary and a parliamentarian .
- Review the minutes of the previous meeting (8/30/2024).
- Dr. Timothy Brusseau has graciously agreed to come to this meeting to update us on the changes that we need to incorporate in our RTP and TFR documents based on HB438.

College Council Member
TERM OF SERVICE: 2023-2024

College Council Member
TERM OF SERVICE: 2023-2024

College Council Ex-Officio

College Council Ex-Officio, Dean