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Nutrition & Integrative Physiology

Admission Mission Statement

The Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology is committed to training clinical and research leaders in dietetics, nutrition, and metabolism investigations. Our programs impart knowledge in a culture that fosters teamwork, professionalism, and compassion, producing exceptional graduates who are prepared to improve the lives of all members of our society. To achieve these aims, we admit individuals from a broad variety of backgrounds and experiences who display academic excellence, community service, and leadership potential. NUIP evaluates applicants on a wide range of criteria with a holistic admissions process, including academic performance, personal statements, life experiences, and extracurricular activities. We strive to create a dynamic learning environment that prepares graduates to serve all sectors of our communities.

Learn more about our efforts to create a department culture that promotes a sense of belonging and student success:

Access & Engagement

Graduate Programs

NUIP PHD Graduates 2022

Nutrition & Integrative Physiology

Doctor of Philosophy

Our department launched its inaugural PhD program in August of 2016. The rigorous program trains research scientists and academic scholars on the fundamentals of translational bioscience, enabling them to take research findings from bench-to-bedside.

The degree, which can include an emphasis in either (a) Nutrition & Integrative Physiology or (b) Molecular Metabolism, takes four to five years to complete and culminates with the development of a written thesis and oral dissertation defense.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 1st 11:59PM | Mountain Time

Contact me with PhD inquires

Thunder Jalili, PhD

Director of Graduate Studies

NUIP CMP Sport Nutrition Students

Nutrition & Integrative Physiology

Coordinated Master's Program in Nutrition and Dietetics

The Coordinated Master’s Program (CMP) develops entry-level registered dietitian nutritionists who are prepared to practice clinical and community nutrition and advance the science and practice of dietetics in the fields of:

  • Nutrition & Dietetics 

  • Sports Nutrition

The program takes two years to complete and will prepare graduates to progress to leadership roles in nutrition and dietetics. Graduates of this program, accredited by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, have an exceptionally high pass rate on the national exam for registered dietitians.


Contact me with MS-RDN (CMP) inquires

Amy Reeder, MS, RD

Coordinated Master's Program (CMP) Advisor

NUIP MS Research Student Emeka Uzo

Nutrition & Integrative Physiology

MS Science

Our MS Science tracks are a research-based program where students are expected to complete an MS thesis that contributes to the body of knowledge in their field of study. This program is characterized by coursework that mirrors the PhD program tracks but with a reduced research requirement, which is met by completing 6 hours of thesis research that results in a peer-reviewed publication.

These tracks do not lead to dietetic registration eligibility. If you are interested in becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), please visit our Coordinated Master's Program (CMP) track. 

  • MS Degree with an Emphasis in Nutrition & Integrative Physiology

APPLICATION DEADLINE:  December 1st 11:59PM | Mountain Time

Contact me with Master's of Science inquires

Thunder Jalili, PhD

Director of Graduate Studies, MS Programs

Undergraduate Program

NUIP Nutrition Minor students

Nutrition & Integrative Physiology

Minor in Nutrition

Our program supports students in other degree programs earning a minor in nutrition. The Sorenson Legacy Center for Student Success provides advising on curriculum requirements for this program. Please contact Elirissa Hui for more information on the Nutrition Minor.

Book an Appointment with Laura Gerner:

Learn More about Nutrition Minor

Contact us with Undergrad inquires

Laura Gerner

Academic Advisor, Nutrition Minor

Thunder Jalili, PhD

Director of Undergraduate Studies


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics