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Health & Kinesiology

Faculty & Staff

Health & Kinesiology


Genevieve Albouy, PhD

Associate Professor, Co-Director of Graduate Studies

HPER N, Room 258

Sleep and Motor Memory Lab

REASEARCH INTERESTS: Modulating the neurophysiological processes underlying motor learning and sleep-related motor memory consolidation in order to optimize motor behavior in healthy populations.   


Jason Armstrong, ACSM-EP, PN1

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

HPER N, Room 237E

REASEARCH INTERESTS: Exercise Physiology, Physical Activity Epidemiology, Exercise Programming, Exercise Instructor Training.

Yang Bai, PhD

Associate Professor

(Office) 801-587-0482

HPER N, Room 204

REASERCH INTERESTS: Physical activity and fitness assessment and epidemiology, school-based youth activity and healthy eating promotion, validation of consumer and research activity monitors, and behavior change with technology.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Epidemiology, Physical Activity Epidemiology

Shelly Beck

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

(Office) 801-587-2741

HPER W, Room 120

TEACHING INTERESTS: EMS Instructor, EMS Ethics, Diversity, and Law, Anatomy & Physiology for Health 

Jefferson Brewer

Associate Instructor

HPER N, Room 235A


Tim Brusseau, PhD, FACSM, FSA, FAISEP

Department Chair, Professor

(Office) 801-587-7900

HPER N, Room 252

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Design and implementation of physical activity and health programs. Secondarily, the surveillance of physical activity as well as physical activity measurement issues.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Foundations of Health and Kinesiology

Ryan Burns, PhD, RFSA

Assistant Professor

(Office) 801-695-5035

HPER N, Room 237D

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Developing prediction models to estimate aerobic capacity in adolescents, developing optimal low back pain assessment in adolescents, cross-validating prediction models, modeling physical activity behaviors during physical education, and examining the efficacy of comprehensive school physical activity programing.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Design and Analysis, Application of Human Motor Development Across the Lifespan

Wonwoo Byun, PhD, MS, MA

Associate Professor

(Office) 801-585-1119

HPER N, Room 205

Physical Activity Lab

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Investigating effect of physical activity and nutrition on various health outcomes. Physical activity, fitness, and sedentary behavior in relation to metabolic risk factors, obesity and other health outcomes. Developing and implementing interventions to promote physical activity and healthy eating.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Physical Activity Interventions, Introduction to Research Methods

Adriana Coletta, PhD, MS, RD

Assistant Professor

(Office) 801-213-1362

HPER N, Room 237H

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Integrating principles from exercise science and sports nutrition across the cancer continuum to optimize body composition, physical function and conditioning, and improve related biomarkers linked with cancer risk and progression.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Exercise Physiology, Exercise in the Context of Chronic Disease

Chris Depner, PhD

Assistant Professor | Sleep and Circadian Physiology Research Pillar

(Office) 801-581-2275

HPER N, Room 245

Sleep and Circadian Physiology Lab

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Investigating how insufficient sleep and circadian disruption contributes to risk of metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes, with long-term goal of developing sleep and circadian based interventions that improve metabolic health.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Sleep & Circadian Physiology and Disease

Paul Estabrooks, PhD

Professor | Associate Dean of Community Engagement

(Office) 801-587-6223

HPER N, Room 248

REASEARCH INTERESTS: Dissemination and Implementation Science—studying the process of moving health promotion evidence into community and clinical action. Integrated research-practice partnership processes to improve system supports for physical activity promotion, healthful eating, and weight control. Testing innovative health promotion programs, policies, and practice interventions that can be adapted and adopted in schools, workplaces, communities and healthcare clinics—and provide health promotion opportunities for populations experiencing racial, ethnic, or geographic disparities.

Jackie Farnsworth, MS

Associate Instructor

HPER N, Room 237E

TEACHING INTERESTS: Health and Diversity, Teaching Health in Secondary Education, Stress Management

Peter Fino, PhD

Associate Professor

(Office) 801-213-1363

HPER N, Room 257

Neuromechanics and Applied Locomotion Lab

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Improving mobility during daily life in people with neurological dysfunction, particularly those with brain injuries. Using core concepts from biomechanics and motor control, my lab concentrates on functionally relevant balance that is typical during daily life.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Advanced Biomechanics, Instrumentation and Measurement in Movement Science.

Julia Franklin, PhD, CHES

Professor (Lecturer) | Co-Director of Graduate Studies

(Office) 801-581-7289

HPER N, Room 237J

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Resilience, disordered eating (from clinical eating disorders to obesity), and body image. Having studied eating disturbances and body image concerns in Division I athletes and examined the relationship between resilience and eating disorder risks in female college students.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Eating Disorders & Body Image, Introduction to Grant Writing, Program Evaluation, Health Program Planning II, Introduction to Research and Assessment, Program Planning.

Arwen Fuller, PhD

Associate Professor

(Office) 801-581-7734

HPER N, Room 256

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Clarify the role of exercise in the prevention of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease and to discover and implement effective ways to enable positive behavior change for improving health and wellness.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Exercise Physiology, Physical Activity Epidemiology, Aging and Exercise

Phrashiah Githinji, PhD, RD

Assistant Professor

HPER N, Room 249

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Community-focused health promotion aimed at addressing modifiable risk factors, such as diet and physical activity, to prevent or delay the onset of chronic diseases in adults. This involves developing and optimizing culturally sensitive, theory-based, behavioral health interventions and leveraging digital technology to enhance reach, access, and effectiveness in improving health outcomes for vulnerable populations.

Matt Haberman, AEMT

Associate Instructor

(Office) 801-581-3785

HPER W, Room 101

TEACHING INTERESTS: High-Angle Rescue Techniques and Theory, Advanced High-Angle Rescue Techniques and Theory, Swiftwater Rescue 

Tanya Halliday, PhD, RD

Assistant Professor

(Office) 801-213-1363

HPR N, Room 202

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Appetite regulation, particularly in response to exercise, and development of interventions to improve weight loss maintenance and cardiometabolic health. 

Connie Holder, MS, AEMT

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

(Office) 801-581-4512

HPER W, Room 103

TEACHING INTERESTS: EMT Training, EMT Recertification

Mukta Joshi, MS

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

(Office) 801-581-7630

HPER N, Room 237B

TEACHING INTERESTS: Biomechanics, Human Motor Development

Bradley King, PhD

Assistant Professor

HPER N, Room 253

Lifespan Motor Neuroscience Lab

RESEARCH INTERESTS: The motor system as a model to investigate the neuroplasticity underlying learning and memory processes across the human lifespan, with emphases on childhood and older adulthood. This research utilizes multiple motor learning paradigms as well as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to assess learning-dependent neuroplasticity.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Application of Human Motor Development Across the Lifespan

Joshua LaReaux, MS

Associate Professor (Lecturer)

(Office) 801-581-7809

HPER N, Room 254

TEACHING INTERESTS: Introduction to Coaching, Perspectives on Sport and American Society, Promoting Physical Activity in the Community, PE for Individuals with Disabilities

Jennifer Lehmbeck, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor (Lecturer)

(Office) 801-581-3481

HPER N, Room 237K

TEACHING INTERESTS: Human Sexuality, Health Program Planning I, Health Practicum II, Global Health Promotion, Prevention Practices

Anita Leopardi, MEd, CHES

Assistant Professor (Lecturer) | Director of Undergraduate Studies

(Office) 801-585-1081

HPER N, Room 237F

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Chronic disease prevention, health concerns of women, school and community health.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Healthy Lifestyles, Health Practicum I & II

Julie Lucero, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor, Co-Director of Graduate Studies

(Office) 801-581-7558

HPER N, Room 237G

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Using mixed methods and Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR), Julie Lucero's research is centered on the identification of modifiable social determinants to reduce the impact of health inequities within marginalized populations. Lucero has been involved with CBPR projects in collaboration with American Indian, Hispanic and LGBT communities. These projects examined factors associated with substance abuse, mental health, positive youth development and service utilization. 

Kerry Magiske, DNP, MS

Associate Professor

HPER N, Room 255

TEACHING INTERESTS: Foundations of Health and Kinesiology, Exercise Programming, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology Lab

Matt Moore, PhD, CMPC

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

HPER N, 237A

RESEARCH INTERESTS: My research centers on the holistic development of athletes through the integration of psychosocial, psychospiritual, and emotional skills. I investigate how resiliency and mental flexibility contribute to both performance outcomes and personal development. By examining the role of coaching in cultivating these attributes, my work seeks to develop evidence-based frameworks that empower athletes to navigate adversity, promote holistic well-being, and achieve sustained success both within and beyond the sporting context.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Sport Psychology, Exercise Psychology, Stress Management, Applied Behavior Change, Sociology of Sport, Facilitating Healthy Behavior, Leadership in Sport and Performance, Motor Behavior. 

Maria Newton, PhD

Associate Professor

(Office) 801-581-4729

HPER N, Room 203

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Optimizing the experience and motivation of individuals in physical activity settings. In doing so, I have examined how both dispositional goals and perceptions of the setting influence such outcomes as anxiety, enjoyment, cognitions, and character development.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Foundations of Health and Kinesiology, Exercise Psychology, Graduate Seminar.

Katelyn O'Farrell, MS, ACSM-EP, NBC-HWC

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Trauma-informed care, well-being, physical activity, women’s health, refugee health, lifestyle medicine, health behavior change, mixed methods

TEACHING INTERESTS: Health and wellness coaching, behavior change theory, fitness instruction, exercise assessment and programming, aging and exercise, exercise psychology, mixed methods research

Andy Rich, DiMM, FAWM, W-AEMT, AMGA Certified Guide

Assistant Professor (Lecturer) | Coordinator - Remote Rescue Training

(Office) 801-581-3785

HPER W, Room 102

TEACHING INTERESTS: Avalanche Rescue Techniques and Theory, Swiftwater Rescue Techniques and Theory, High-Angle Rescue Techniques and Theory, Advanced High-Angle Rescue

Janet Shaw, PhD, FACSM

Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs

(Office) 801-585-5107

HPER N, Room 206

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Physical activity and women's health.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Aging and Exercise, Honors Thesis 

Andrea Stark, MS

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

(Office) 801-585-5971

HPER N, Room 262

TEACHING INTERESTS: Exercise Psychology, Promoting Physical Activity in the Community, Motor Behavior, PE for Individuals with Disabilities

Chris Stratford, MS, BSN, RN, NRP

Professor (Lecturer) | Staff Development Educator - Emergency Medical Physicians

(Office) 801-581-2305

HPER W, Room 123

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Prehospital and in-hospital cardiac arrest, basic life support, advanced cardiac life support, prehospital emergency care and emergency nursing care.

TEACHING INTERESTS: Advanced EMT, Meds, Drugs, and EMS, Pathophysiology for EMS

Kota Takahashi, PhD

Associate Professor

(Office) 801-581-7558

HPER N, Room 237C

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Foot and Ankle Biomechanics, Locomotion Energetics (e.g., Mechanics, Metabolic, Thermal), In-vivo Muscle-Tendon Mechanics, Rehabilitation & Clinical Gait Analysis (e.g., Limb Amputation, Aging, Diabetes) Prosthetics, Orthotics, Exoskeletons, Footwear

Traci Thompson, MS, ACSM, HFD, CSCS

Associate Professor (Clinical) | Director, Peak Health and Fitness, Wellness and Integrative Health

(Office) 801-585-7325

HPER E 217

TEACHING INTERESTS: Community Health, EMS, OSH, and Kinesiology Internships, PEAK Health and Fitness

Health & Kinesiology


Andrea Moss

Graduate Studies Program Manager

(Office) 801-585-9783

HPER N, Room 201

Talin Jensen

Executive Assistant

(Office) 801-581-8114

HPER N, Room 251

Patrick Smith


(Office) 801-213-0887

HPER N, Room 250

Rebecca Davenport

ESSF Academic Program Manager

(Office) 801-587-7684

HPER N, Room 249

Dylan Reyes

Administrative Officer

HPER N, Room 252