Research and Outreach
Research and Outreach
Research conducted by members of the faculty contributes to theory development, informs practice, and leads to discovery of techniques for effective management and delivery of park, recreation, and tourism services, informing policy, serving social needs and health and well-being of people, communities, and the environment. Our areas of research consists of the following:

Areas of Research and Outreach
Community, Sport, and Youth Development
Organized Camping, Positive Youth Sportsmanship, Youth Program Quality.
Outdoor Recreation Research
The Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Tourism Lab conducts applied research, locally and internationally, that addresses issues faced by managers, educators, and policy officials.
Sustainable Tourism & Hospitality
Protected Areas and Tourism Management, Environmental and Societal Impacts of Tourism and Recreation, Winter Recreation/Tourism, Healthy Parks, Healthy People, Sustainable Tourism Certification, Destination Management, Marketing Effectiveness.
Community Outreach
Community Outreach aims to foster positive connections between the University of Utah and the greater Salt Lake area. University of Utah students and faculty engage in meaningful community outreach opportunities, with hopes to give back to the community.
Justice and Nature Research Group
The University of Utah’s Justice and Nature Research Group is an inclusive, interdisciplinary, collaborative of student and faculty scholars interested in pursuing the interdependent goals of social and environmental justice.
Research Faculty

Nate Furman
- Outdoor Recreation Research

Jeff Rose
- Outdoor Recreation Research

Jim Sibthorp
- Outdoor Recreation Research
- Community, Youth, and Sport Research

Mary Sara Wells
- Community, Youth, and Sport Research
- Meerts-Brandsma, L., Sibthorp, J., & Rochelle, S. (2019). Using transformational learning theory to understand outdoor adventure education. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning. DOI : 10.1080/14729679.2019.1686040.
- Richmond, D. & Sibthorp, J. (2019). Bridging the opportunity gap: College access programs and outdoor adventure education. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership. 11(4). 301-319. DOI 10.18666/JOREL-2019-V11-I4-9646
- Jostad, J., Sibthorp, J., Butner, J., & Rochelle, S. (2019). Adolescent sense of belonging in outdoor adventure education: The influence of conflict and instructors. Journal of Research in Outdoor Education. 17. 20-37. DOI 10.1353/roe.2019.0001
- Meerts-Brandsma, L., Sibthorp, J., & Rochelle, S. (2019). Examining long-term transfer between socioeconomically differentiated students in outdoor adventure education. Journal of Experiential Education. 42(3). 213-228. DOI 10.1177/1053825919846154
- Riley, M. (2019). The mentoring networks of outdoor educators. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership 11(3). 207-221. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18666/JOREL-2019-V11-I3-9519
- Jostad, J., Sibthorp, J., Butner, J., Rochelle, S., & Gookin, J. (2017). Using dynamical systems theory in outdoor adventure education research. Journal of Research in Outdoor Education. 15. 93-113.
- Meerts-Brandsma, L., Sibthorp, J., & Rochelle, S. (October, 2018). Mechanisms in Outdoor Adventure Education that Facilitate Transformational Learning. Presented at the Association for Outdoor Recreation and Education/Wilderness Education Association Research Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT. Awarded best conference abstract.
- Meerts-Brandsma, L., Sibthorp, J., & Rochelle, S. (January, 2018). Examining Long-Term Transfer between Socioeconomically Differentiated Students in Outdoor Adventure Education. Presentation at the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Biennial Research Symposium, Martinsville, IN. Book of Abstracts.