All Health & Kinesiology Scholarships (for the academic year 2025-2026) are due February 14th, 2025
The Health & Kinesiology Department offers several funding opportunities for graduate students. Scholarships have specific criteria that must be met in order for a student to be eligible to apply. Please see the information below about the different funding opportunities available in Health & Kinesiology.
Graduate Scholarships
The Health & Kinesiology Department offers 4 graduate scholarships:
Applicant Requirements:
The purpose of these scholarships is to aid a deserving graduate student in continuing his or her pursuit of academic excellence. In order to be eligible, the applicant must meet the following criteria:
- 1. The applicant must be a student in Health & Kinesiology, enrolled in part or all of the academic year during which this scholarship is awarded
- 2. The applicant must have demonstrated academic excellence. The following indices may be used to demonstrate such excellence:
- -Cumulative G.P.A.
- -Papers presented at international, national, district or state professional meetings
- -Articles in submission, grants written but not funded, papers not accepted for presentation etc.
- -Grants written (indicate whether the grant was funded and the amount)
- -Published articles in refereed journals
- -Professional service to Health & Kinesiology
Applicants will be judged on their academic excellence and their service records as listed in their annual reports.
The purpose of this fellowship is to reward a third or fourth year doctoral student who has been meritorious in their graduate career but needs to focus on the completion of their doctoral dissertation.
Applicant Requirements:
- -Successfully complete all phases of their qualifying examinations
- -Submit a signed IRB or Animal Care and Use Committee protocol and a signed (by the supervisory committee) proposal prior to the beginning of the academic year for which award will be made
- -Be a third or fourth year candidate for the doctoral degree
Applicants will be judged on the quality and rigor of their research, excellence in teaching and service records as listed in their annual reports. Additionally, applicants who have exhibited highest professional standards in serving the department are encouraged to apply. Thus, students who have volunteered to assist their fellow students, faculty, and staff in meeting the mission of the Department of Health & Kinesiology would meet this criterion. In part, criterion will be judged by the applicant’s attendance at departmental meetings, Graduate Council meetings, willingness to volunteer for projects, and presence in clinical and laboratory settings within the department.
How to Apply:
To apply for these scholarships, go to utah.academicworks.com and complete the University of Utah General Scholarship Application. You will be matched to our departmental and university wide scholarships that you qualify for. Please review the scholarships you are matched with to see if there are any other additional documents or questions that each scholarship may require. The application will be viewable on the site starting January 1st. Applications are due before midnight on March 1st. Awards are for the school year, beginning in the fall of the same year as the submitted application.
Important Links
Career Services
The Career Services Office houses the Career Exploration Center and hosts various workshops and events. The Career Counselors can assist you as you research careers, explore jobs and internships, write resumes and cover letters, prepare and practice for interviews, and more.
Career Services Office
Phone: 801-581-6186
Email: CareerServices@sa.utah.edu
Location: SSB Room 350