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Rehabilitation Science (PhD) Overview


Rehabilitation Science

The PhD in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Utah is an interprofessional doctoral program that allows students to develop their clinical expertise and unique line of research while working alongside other rehabilitation scientists and health care providers. Students in the program come from a variety of professional backgrounds including occupational therapy, recreational therapy, physical therapy, kinesiology, athletic training, and other health care disciplines. Faculty from the Department of Occupational and Recreational Therapies participate in the program and are available to serve as mentors to students who have similar research interests.

Students have the opportunity to take part in:

  • Internally-and externally-funded research projects
  • Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research
  • Developing and testing evidence-based interventions
  • Teaching experiences in our Occupational Therapy and Recreational Therapy programs
  • Interprofessional education and collaboration
Recreational therapy students

Current Faculty Projects

Technology-based Recreation

Lead by R. Nelson

  • Virtual reality usability for clinicians and clients
  • Multisensory environments and interventions for rehabilitation and health promotion
  • Video journaling as a treatment modality
  • Therapeutic use of robotic pets with older adults

Neurological Conditions

Lead by L. Richards, A. Terrill, and M. Zahl

  • Feasibility of adaptive recreation as cost effective rehabilitation intervention for spinal cord injury
  • Non-pharmacological treatment options for improving health and well-being for individuals with neurological conditions
  • Positive psychology interventions for couples coping with neurological conditions
  • Understanding changes in relationships after neurological injury
  • Health interventions and app development
  • Neurorehabilitation interventions for post-stroke motor impairments and unilateral neglect

Autism Spectrum

Lead by A. Kirby, L. Richards

  • Supporting the transition to adulthood for youth and families
  • Understanding suicide risks and prevention
  • Improving oral health for children with ASD and hyper-responsivity

For information on working with a specific faculty mentor, contact the faculty member directly.


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