Student Research
The purpose of this assignment is to promote the student’s ability to critically review a body of literature around an intervention and to make a clinical recommendation. In groups, they locate articles, extract data from those articles into an evidence table, categorize each article's level of evidence and risk of bias, provide an answer to the research question based on the evidence, and assign a strength of evidence (level of confidence). Groups present their systematic review to the class in a poster format. Final papers are disseminated on the Department website for public view (ACOTE B.5.2).
Class of 2025 MOT & 2026 OTD
Augmented/Alternative Communication Research
L. Hawkins, M. Latta, Y. Chavarria-Mondragon
- In children with communication disorders, does augments/alternative communication improve their ability to express their desires?
Prism Adaptation Treatment Research
M. Villanueva, C. Stone, A. Zuniga
- Does prism adaptation treatment reduce unilateral neglect in individuals with stroke?
Ayres Sensory Integration Research
B. Cromar, A. Adiwidjaja, K. Martin, K. Trombley
- Does Ayres sensory integration intervention improve sensory processing in children with autism?
Handwriting Training Protocols Research
S. Eggleston, M. Gudmundsen, P. Hansen
- Does the use of specific handwriting training protocols improve handwriting in children with handwriting difficulties?
Sequential Oral Sensory Research
Justin, Makenna, Elise, Camille
- Does the Sequential Oral Sensory approach increase the variety of food consumed by children with selective/picky eating?
Adaptive Sport Research
A. Belford, K. Johnson, R. Metzler
- Does participation in adaptive sports improve psychosocial well-being?
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