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Voice Lab

Roy Lab

The Voice Lab in the Department of Communication Disorders is directed by Dr. Nelson Roy.

Voice Lab Research Equipment

Kay Elemetrics Video Stroboscopy System

Stroboscopy provides a slow-motion view of the vocal folds as they vibrate. It is critical to observe the vibratory characteristics of the vocal folds in order to accurately assess phonatory function, and, in some cases, to detect and/or differentiate lesions. Stroboscopy is the only practical tool for observing vocal fold symmetry, amplitude, periodicity, completeness of vibratory closure, and the diagnostically important mucosal wave.


MicroTronics Speech Aeromechanics Research System (SARS)

6 channel hardware/software system to conduct pressure-flow analysis and nasal airway patency.


Kay Elemetrics Computerized Speech Lab (CSL 4400)

this is our newest and most advanced "high end" 4-channel speech analysis system.

CSL 4400

Kay Elemetrics Computerized Speech Lab (CSL 4300B)

CSL Screen Shot


Voice Lab

The Voice Lab is focused on research related to voice production and voice disorders.

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