Our research is funded mainly by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research and Development through competitive grant awards. We are supported by generous private donors.
Current Studies
"Examination of the effects of intensity of treatment on AOS treatment outcomes". The purpose of this study is to compare treatment that is administered in an intensive manner (3 hours a day/3 days a week) to treatment that is administered in a non-intensive manner (1 hour a day/3 days a week.) Thirty-six stroke-survivors with chronic AOS and aphasia will receive both types of treatment. This is treatment study that is being conducted in conjunction with the VA Pittsburg Health Care System.
Status: recruiting
PI: J. Wambaugh
"A comparison of electropalatograhy (EPG) treatment and Sound Production Treatment for AOS". The purpose of this study is to compare treatment that utilizes EPG (an instrumental method for providing visual biofeedback concerning tongue position during speech) to a non-instrumental treatment for AOS. Eight persons with chronic AOS will receive treatment.
Status: recruiting
PI: S. Mauszycki
"A comparison of two treatments for aphasia: Modified-Response Elaboration Treatment and SCRIPT". This is a pilot study designed to compare the outcomes of two well-established treatments for aphasia. Persons with chronic aphasia will receive both treatments in order to provide information regarding the relative benefits of the treatments and to identify characteristics that may be associated with better response to one or both treatments.
Status: recruiting
PI: J. Wambaugh
Current Grants
Mauszycki S. (PI) and Wambaugh, J.L. (co-l). "Apraxia of speech: A comparison of EPG treatment and Sound Production Treatment. Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Research and Development Service Merit Review - SpiRE project, funded October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2017. ($199,600).
Wambaugh, J.L. (PO), Doyle, P.J. (co-l), Mauszycki, S. (co-l), & Hula, W. (co-l). Effects of intensity of treatment on rehabilitation of acquired apraxia of speech. VA Rehab. R8D Merit Review. RX-001782-01 ($1,080,500), funded May 1, 2015- April 30, 2019.
Baldo, J. (Pl), Wambaugh, J. (co-l), Turken, A. (co-l), Dronkers, N., (co-l), & Patterson, J. (co-l). "Brain biomarkers of response to treatment for apraxia of speech". Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Research and Development Merit Review. Funded 2014-2018 ($973,000).
Wambaugh, J.L., Research Career Scientist Award, Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, funded October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2017 ($800,000).
Mauszycki, S., Career Development Award-2. Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, funded October 1, 2011 - September 30, 2016. ($625,000).
Behavioral Health Science
Email: julie.wambaugh@health.utah.edu
Mail: Aphasia Research Program
390 South 1530 East, Suite1201
Salt Lake City, UT 84112