Gravity Dependent Cortical Control of Sensation
United States Airforce Office of Scientific Research
Principle Investigators: Oded Ghitza and Skyler G. Jennings

Influences of the Efferent System on Human Auditory Function
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Principle Investigator: Skyler G. Jennings
ARO 2023; Park & Jennings | ARO 2023; Haysley et. al. |
ARO 2023; Jennings | ARO 2023; Goodman et. al. |

Determining Cues for Auditory Perception in Noisy Backgrounds
Principle Investigators: Skyler G. Jennings, Laurel Carney, and Kenneth Henry

Performing Arts Building
240 S. 1500 E. Room 101
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0252