Peer Reviewed Articles
Assessment of Cochlear Synaptopathy with Standard Clinical Equipment
Anne Lobdell, Tevan Trujillo, Skyler G. Jennings.
Journal of American Academy of Audiology.
Human Olivocochlear Effects: A Statistical Detection Approach Applied to the Cochlear Microphonic Evoked by Swept Tones
Shawn S Goodman, Sarah Haysley, and Skyler G. Jennings
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 1-25
Effects of contralateral noise on envelope-following responses, auditory-nerve compound action potentials, and otoacoustic emissions measured simultaneously
Shelby L Faubion, Ryan K Park, Jeffery T Lichtenhan, and Skyler G Jennings.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155 (3), 1813 - 1824
Adductor Laryngeal Dystonia Versus Muscle Tension Dysphonia: Examining the Utility of Automated Acoustic Analysis to Detect Task Dependency as a Distinguishing Feature
Nelson Roy, Shaheen N. Awan, Skyler G. Jennings, Jenna Jensen and Ray M. Merril
Computational Modeling of the Human Compound Action Potential
Yousef Alamri and Skyler G. Jennings
A Mathematical Model for Mechanical Activation and Compound Action Potential Generation by the Utricle in Response to Sound and Vibration
Christopher J. Pastras, Nastaran Gholami, Skyler G. Jennings, Hong Zhu, Wu Zhou, Daniel J. Brown, Ian S. Curthoys, and Richard D. Rabbitt
Middle Ear Muscle and Medial Olivocochlear Activity Inferred from Individual Human Ears Via Cochlear Potentials
Skyler G. Jennings and Elizabeth Sarai Aviles
Minimum Detectable Differences in Electrocochleography Measurements: Bayesian-Based Predictions
Shawn S Goodman, Jeffery T Lichtenhan, and Skyler G Jennings
Temporal Envelope Coding of the Human Auditory Nerve Inferred from Electrocochleography: Comparison with Envelope Following Responses
Jessica Chen and Skyler G Jennings
Firing Rate Adaptation of the Human Auditory Nerve Optimizes Neural Signal-to-Noise Ratios
Skyler G Jennings and Juan Dominguez
Perceived Anger in Clear and Conversational Speech: Contributions of Age and Hearing Loss
Shae D. Morgan, Sarah Hargus Ferguson, Ashton D. Crain, and Skyler G. Jennings
The Role of the Medial Olivocochlear Reflex in Psychophysical Masking and Intensity Resolution in Humans: A Review
Skyler G. Jennings
Masking of Short Tones in Noise: Evidence for Envelope-Based, Rather than Energy-Based Detection
Skyler G. Jennings and Jessica Chen
Techniques for Obtaining High-quality Recordings in Electrocochleography
Michael J Simpson, Skyler G Jennings, and Robert H Margolis
Effects of Masker Envelope Fluctuations on the Temporal Effect
Skyler G. Jennings, Kayla Sivas, and Caitlin Stone
Amplitude Modulation Detection with a Short-Duration Carrier: Effects of a Precursor and Hearing Loss
Skyler G. Jennings, Jessica Chen, Sara E. Fultz, Jayne B. Ahlstrom, and Judy R. Dubno
Notched-Noise Precursors Improve Detection of Low-Frequency Amplitude Modulation
Ali Almishaal, Gavin M. Bidelman, and Skyler G. Jennings
Effects of Age, Hearing Impairment, and Efferent Feedback on Overshoot
Skyler G. Jennings
PsyAcoustX: A Flexible MATLAB® Package for Psychoacoustics Research
Gavin M. Bidelman, Skyler G. Jennings, and Elizabeth A. Strickland
Computational Modeling of Individual Differences in Behavioral Estimates of Cochlear Nonlinearities
Skyler G Jennings, Jayne B Ahlstrom, and Judy R Dubno
Psychophysical Auditory Filter Estimates Suggest Sharper Cochlear Tuning in Musicians
Gavin M Bidelman, Jonathan M Schug, Skyler G Jennings, and Shaum P Bhagat
Evaluating the Effects of Olivocochlear Feedback on Psychophysical Measures of Frequency Selectivity
Skyler G. Jennings, and Elizabeth A. Strickland
Auditory Filter Tuning Inferred with Short Sinusoidal and Notched-Noise Maskers
Skyler G. Jennings, and Elizabeth A. Strickland
Modeling the Anti-Masking Effects of the Olivocochlear Reflex in Auditory-Nerve Responses to Tones in Sustained Noise
Ananthakrishna Chintanpalli, Skyler G. Jennings, Michael G. Heinz, and Elizabeth A. Strickland
Evaluating Proposed Mechanisms of Psychophysical Overshoot Using a Computational Model of the Auditory Periphery
Skyler G. Jennings, Michael G. Heinz, and Elizabeth A. Strickland
Precursor Effects on Behavioral Estimates of Frequency Selectivity and Gain in Forward Masking
Skyler G. Jennings, Elizabeth A. Strickland, and Michael G. Heinz
Book Chapters / Entries
Digital Signal Processing
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders
Skyler G. Jennings
The Frequency Selectivity of Gain Reduction Masking: Analysis Using Two Equally Effective Maskers
The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception
Skyler G. Jennings and Elizabeth Strickland
Other Articles
An Adjustable Auditory System
Acoustics Today
Elizabeth Strickland and Skyler G. Jennings
Performing Arts Building
240 S. 1500 E. Room 101
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0252