Develop expertise across the full spectrum of orthopaedic specialist practice
The University of Utah Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Residency program graduates PTs who are expert thinkers and skilled providers of evidence-guided orthopaedic care. Program participants provide patient care in two exceptional health systems, the University of Utah Orthopaedic Center (part of University of Utah Health) and the Salt Lake City VA Medical Center. Residents are employed (0.75 FTE) by University of Utah Health and have a WOC appointment at the VA.
This 12-month program includes direct patient care; mentoring with 7-8 board-certified clinical specialists in orthopaedic PT; targeted didactics; teaching in the University of Utah entry-level DPT program; clinical research opportunities and mentorship; and, a variety of other professional development opportunities. Residents have access to the full breadth of orthopaedic specialty practice areas.
Our Mission
Accelerate the development of physical therapists from novice to advanced in orthopedic clinical reasoning, knowledge, skill, and professionalism.

Sponsoring Agents
University of Utah
- University of Utah Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training
Clinical Partners:
- University Orthopaedic Center (University of Utah Health)
- Salt Lake City VA Medical Center
Graduation Rate
First Time OCS Pass Rate