A Narrative Political Ecology Approach to Unsheltered Homelessness and Episodic Poor Air Quality along an Urban Riparian Corridor
Hardenbrook, R., DeMarco, A., & Rose, J. (2022)
Air quality concerns, like other environmental disamenities, are unevenly experienced across populations based on a variety of social and geographic markers, including those living at the urban economic and geographic margins.
Hendrick, M., Zajchowski, C., Rose, J., & Scruggs, C. (2023).
Human Ecology, 51(1), 173-183.
Lepp, A., Rose, J., Amerson, K., & Dustin, D. (2023).
Annals of Leisure Research, 26(2), 300-315
Lackey, N. Q., Meerts-Brandsma, L., & Rose, J. (2022)
Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 14(4), 71-85
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Fernandez, M., Harris, B., & Rose, J. (2021)
Journal of Race, Ethnicity & the City, 2(2), 210-231
Lackey, N. Q., Meerts-Brandsma, L., & Rose, J. (2022)
Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 14(4), 71-85