For a full list of publications, please visit Dr. Takahashi's google scholar page.
Donahue S, Vaca Moran M, Beattie W, Kingsbury T, Takahashi KZ, and Major MJ. Characterizing the interaction effects of modular components on transtibial prosthesis stance-phase mechanical behavior. Prosthetics and Orthotics International (in press)
White L, Malcolm P, Franz JR, and Takahashi KZ. Effects of shoe insole stiffness modifications on walking performance in older adults: A feasibility study. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2025, 3:1-8 (link to article)
Gray AJ, Takahashi KZ, Kashefsky HE, and Franz JR. Foot-ankle mechanical transmission: age effects and relation to ankle push-off during walking. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2024, 40(6): 449-454 (link to article)
Donahue S, Kingsbury T, , Major MJ. Data-driven modeling of the nonlinear dynamics of passive lower-limb prosthetic systems. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2024, 16(8), 081012 (link to article)
Papachatzis N, and Takahashi KZ. Mechanics of the human foot during walking on different slopes. Plos One, 2023, 18 (9): e0286521 (link to article)
Senatore S, Takahashi KZ, Malcom P. Using human-in-the-loop optimization for guiding manual prosthesis adjustments: a proof-of-concept study. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2023, 10: 1183170 (link to article)
Papachatzis N, Ray SF, and Takahashi KZ. Does human foot anthropometry relate to plantar flexor fascicle mechanics and metabolic energy cost across various walking speeds? Journal of Experimental Biology, 2023, 226 (10): jeb245113 (link to article)
Takahashi KZ, Krupenevich RL, Lenz AL, Kelly LA, Rainbow MJ, and Franz JR. Mechanics and energetics of human feet: a contemporary perspective for understanding mobility impairments in older adults. MDPI Biomechanics, 2022, 2: 494-499 (link to article)
Papachatzis N, Slivka DR, Pipinos II, KK Schmid, and Takahashi KZ. Does the heel’s dissipative energetic behavior affect its thermodynamic responses during walking? Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022, 10:908725 (link to article)
Franz JR, Finni T, Takahashi KZ, Vanwanseele B, and De Groote F. The need for systems-based biomechanics to understand the causes and consequences of altered muscle-tendon unit function in elderly gait. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 2022, 16(1), 4-7 (link to article)
Sado T, Nielsen J, Glaister B, Takahashi KZ, Malcolm P, and Mukherjee M. A passive exoskeleton can assist split-belt adaptation. Experimental Brain Research 2022, 240(4): 1159-1176 (link to article)
Meade Z, Likens A, Kent JA, Takahashi KZ, Wurdeman SR, Jacobsen AL, Hernandez ME, and Stergiou N. Subthreshold vibration influences standing balance but has unclear influence on somatosentation in persons with transtibial amputations. Frontiers in Physiology 2022, 13:810079 (link to article)
Selected Publications Before 2022
Maun J, Gard SA, *Major MJ, and *Takahashi KZ. Reducing pylon stiffness amplifies prosthesis energy loss and redistributes joint mechanical work during walking. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2021, 118:143 (link to article) (*joint last author/equal contributions)
Gonzalez A, Pineda-Gutierrez AL, Kern AM, and Takahashi KZ. Association between foot thermal responses and shear forces during turning gait in young adults. PeerJ, 2021, 9:e10515 (link to article)
Ray SF, and Takahashi KZ. Gearing up the human ankle-foot system to reduce energy cost of fast walking. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1): 8793 (link to article)
Takahashi KZ, Worster K, and Bruening DA. Energy neutral: the human foot and ankle subsections combine to produce near zero net mechanical work during walking. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 15404 (link to article)
Takahashi KZ, Kepple TM, and Stanhope SJ. A unified deformable (UD) segment model for quantifying total power of anatomical and prosthetic below-knee structures during stance in gait. Journal of Biomechanics, 2012, 45:15, 2662-2667 (link to article)