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Mountain West Prevention Research Center

BeatPain Better Research Project

BeatPain Better Research Project

The goal of this study is to continue our efforts in the BeatPain study to improve pain management using telehealth. In BeatPain Better we are focusing on promoting self-management for adults age 45 and older with chronic musculoskeletal pain and arthritis conditions in Utah Community Health Centers. Our focus is on overcoming barriers and promoting physical activity for persons with chronic pain who live in rural communities and small towns.

Research Aims and Methods

The BeatPain Better study will test two important questions:

  1. First, we will examine the best strategy to offer telehealth care to persons with chronic pain through text messaging. We will text message persons age 45 and older with chronic musculoskeletal pain or arthritis diagnoses and offer them the opportunity to be referred to a 6-week telehealth program. We will randomize persons to the type of message content (information about the program with or without motivational messages on the benefits of physical activity). The telehealth program will be provided by a license physical therapist and involves education and exercise instruction. Persons may also be directly referred to the program.
  2. Second, among persons who receive the 6-week telehealth program, we will examine what type of ongoing self-management support is more beneficial. The Arthritis Foundation and Utah state Department of Health offer the Walk with Ease (Camino con Gusto) program as an evidence-based intervention that supports persons with chronic pain or arthritis to continue a walking program. Walk with Ease is offered as a self-directed program, with or without group classes. 

Research Assessment

Participants who enroll in the telehealth program and consent to be randomized are assigned to receive information about Walk With Ease with or without group classes. We will assess participants at baseline and after 6-, 12- and 26-weeks. We are most interested in participants' quality of life, pain intensity levels and continued engagement in physical activity. Patients who wish to receive telehealth treatment but do not want to be randomized are provided the telehealth intervention. All services are available in English or Spanish.

Who Can This Research Help?

This research can help any person suffering with chronic pain or arthritis. Physical therapists in conjunction with their patients, will create a personalized physical activity and self-management program that fits their life and gives patients more control to manage their pain. The Walk With Ease program will help participants continue to manage their pain with physical activity. All sessions are free, provided in English or Spanish, and use technology that is available to the patient, either phone or video consult

BeatPain Better Special Interest Project Team

Julie Fritz, PhD

Arthritis SIP Co-Principal Investigator

Paul Estabrooks, PhD

MW-PRC Director, Arthritis SIP Co-Principal Investigator

Anne Thackeray, PhD

Co-Investigator, Arthritis Special Interest Project

Lin-Na Chou, PhD

Co-Investigator, Arthritis Special Interest Project

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The BeatPain Better Special Interest Project is supported by the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Center (1U48DP006833), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government. 

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