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Elizabeth (Elie) Bowman

Academic Office Information

About Me

Elizabeth (Elie) Bowman is an undergraduate student and scholar of the Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR). Elie is a student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, obtaining her BS in biomedical engineering with a minor in mechanical engineering. She is currently working in Dr. Karen Troy’s lab analyzing muscle density in SCI patients undergoing exoskeleton walking trials & creating computational connections in distal tibiae to reduce computational power and human error. Elie is interested in the musculoskeletal biomechanics behind human movement, especially the feet. She hopes to pursue a career in research to prevent running injuries by generating an individualized and computational approach to finding the correct footwear for each person. In her free time, Elie enjoys running (competing for WPI), reading, and traveling. 

LinkedIn: Elie Bowman